Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quotes from October

  • 10/28/08 - "That's why we call him daddy, because he works so hard."
  • 10/26/08 "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, eleven or not here I come."
  • 10/24/08 " Mom, did you know that Heavenly Father made me do my straps? You see if Heavenly Father wants us to do something he makes us do it. He made me do my bottom straps. He can help us do some things we cannot do all by ourselves, he can help us!" (Nathan learned how to buckle himself into his car seat, he was VERY excited.)
  • 10/20/08 "Oh no, baby dropped your frog, there you go baby." (Liberty's new name: baby)
  • 10/17/08 - "Why does baby have a big, big, BIG head like me?"
  • 10/16/08 - "Mom, I hope your birthday never ends."
  • 10/2/08 - "Mom, we don't have time for the computer, we only have time for Lincoln Logs and for dinner."
  • 10/20/08 - "Oh, baby, you're wearing pink, that's my favorite color. Oh, I'm sorry, that's not my favorite color."
  • 10/16/08 "Mom, I hope your birthday never ends!"
  • 10/2/08 - "Today is going to be a fun day, because you aren't going to be angry at me and I'm going to be happy at you. It's going to be a fun day!"
  • 10/5/08 "Dad, don't slap me on the back." Dave: "I'm just playing with you Nathan. That's how I show love to you." Nathan: "That's not love Dad. Slapping is not love."
  • 10/4/08 "Mom and Dad, we don't kiss on the lips in this house." Dave: "How about outside?" Nathan: "Yeah, you can kiss on the lips outside."

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quotes from November

  • 11/23/08 - "It's so nice that they colored their walls red." (referring to the walls in our home)
  • 11/21/08 Nathan, why do you like this? "Because I just take Brigham's power to watch Scooby Doo, that's why!"
  • 11/4/08 "Tim, you can't have milk because it will throw you up!"
  • 11/2/08 "I got myself all dressed today." Tricia: Nathan, that's so great! (Tricia leaves the room) Nathan to Daddy: "Daddy I think I gave mom the wrong message." (Dave helped him get dressed)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quotes from September

  • 9/20/08 "Please let me see Liberty, I promise, I promise, I'll get back in my seat, I promise, Mama." (traveling home from San Diego)
  • 9/7/08 Nathan after Tricia discovered a huge mess he had made: "Mom, I am so sorry. This is the worst day of your entire life."
  • 9/3/08 Nathan's newest insult: "Tim, you're a diaper rash."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Quotes from August

  • 8/30/08 (Family sitting at table, Dave reading the Sunday paper) "Dad, we don't read the news on Sunday, only the scriptures."
  • 8/30/08 Nathan: "Dad, come and see the house I built." Dave: "Why don't you help me fix our house that you've destroyed." Nathan: "I didn't destroy it Dad, it just keeps falling apart."
  • 8/24/08 "I'm going to hide under my covers because I need my 'privatesy.'"
  • 8/24/08 - "Tim stop crying, so I can hear the words I want to speak."
  • 8-13-08 - "Tim, you cannot come into my cave because it's private. I want to be left alone for my nap." (hiding under the covers)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Quotes from July

  • 7/30/08 - "Mom, look, this is the biggest, biggest raisin you have ever seen, it's HUGE!"
  • 7/27/08 - "Dad has a headache in his head. He can't get it out because his head is too hard."
  • 7/27/08 - "Goodbye, Dad. Have a nice good trip to your meeting." (Sunday church meetings, Dave's the EQP)
  • 7/27/08 - "Bugs keep getting into our house. They keep following the crumb trail." (After multiple reminders each day to eat at the table)
  • 7/25/08 - "Liberty don't cry. Don't cry, you're a princess."
  • 7/10/08 - "Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me because I'm a secret."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Quotes from June

  • 6/24/08 "That's my best cousin Jackson. I love him. Michael and Jackson are my favorite cousins. I love them." (I'm just glad he doesn't love Michael Jackson!)
  • 6-22-08 "Mom, why is this a zipper tie? I don't like it because it's too zippy, and slappy and dangerous!"
  • 6-16-08 What else do you have to say Nathan: "That's being naughty Tim, you're the naughtiest boy."
  • 6-16-08 "Mom, I didn't sleep well last night. That's why scary Grandma's came out of my closet last night. Last night was scary."
  • 6-15-08 "Dad, there are so many people here, there's not even going to be enough water." (Very worried about the amount of water during Sacrament)
  • 6-15-08 "Mom, I was so good today in my class. I didn't even hit." (He promised to be good in order to go to cousins for Father's Day dinner)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quotes from May

  • 5-19-08 For FHE we read the book, "Nephi, Nephi, The Scriptures are True." We asked Nathan what the "ball" was called and he said the "Honalina." You'd have to hear it to appreciate this one!
  • (5-19-08) "Mom, when I was little I got to wear Tim's shoes, back when I was a little boy." (After looking at a picture of himself in sandals)
  • (5-10-08) "Dad, I can't close my eyes when I'm sleeping." Why not, Nathan? "Cause I don't know how."
  • (5-11-08) Comment made after Nathan was screaming in our van ---> Nathan, you're not the center of the universe. "Yes, I am. Dad you're the center of the schoolbus." What does that mean?
  • "I love my cousins, they're useful, like Thomas." (Thomas the very useful engine)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quotes from April

  • (4-22-08) "The Prophet says you should play with me right now!" Later that day: "Hey Mom, when it's snowing outside I want to make a snow monster!!"
  • (4-20-08) "Dad, we need to keep our house safe from Satan. He's the bad guy. Why? Because we don't like Satan, do we!?"
  • (4-10-08) "Mom, Tim's not being obedient up here. Should we call Daddy and tell him he's not being obedient? He's not being good today. Where's the phone?"
  • (4-2-08) "Mom, don't rub my head anymore because I don't like it. I like hugs and remember... I like kisses."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Quotes from March

  • (3-31-08) Nathan on the phone with Santa: "Santa, don't bring mommy any presents, she's been naughty today. Bring me lots of presents and bring Tim a present, he's been good today."
  • (3-27-08) "Daddy, I don't want you to go to work next week." Dave says, but Nathan if I don't go to work then we wouldn't have money for our house, food, toys and such. Do you want me to work or do you want to have nothing? "I want nothing."
  • (3-17-08) "Mommy, how can I make you happy? I want you to be happy."
  • (3-18-08) "Mommy, why are you on the computer? Are you going to stay on there all day?"