Monday, June 16, 2008

Quotes from May

  • 5-19-08 For FHE we read the book, "Nephi, Nephi, The Scriptures are True." We asked Nathan what the "ball" was called and he said the "Honalina." You'd have to hear it to appreciate this one!
  • (5-19-08) "Mom, when I was little I got to wear Tim's shoes, back when I was a little boy." (After looking at a picture of himself in sandals)
  • (5-10-08) "Dad, I can't close my eyes when I'm sleeping." Why not, Nathan? "Cause I don't know how."
  • (5-11-08) Comment made after Nathan was screaming in our van ---> Nathan, you're not the center of the universe. "Yes, I am. Dad you're the center of the schoolbus." What does that mean?
  • "I love my cousins, they're useful, like Thomas." (Thomas the very useful engine)