Monday, April 27, 2009

Quotes from March 2009

3/28/09 - "Mom write Nathan wants six snakes for Christmas. First it starts with 'Nathan', then 'wants'. I want ten of everything, snakes, turtles, rhinos..."

3/27/09 - Tricia: Oh my word. Nathan: "We don't say that Mommy, we only say Heavenly Father's word."

3/26/09 - Tim: "I don't want to buy a different house because I like this house."

3/23/09 - "I wanted to go to Utah for my birthday present. How many days, how many minutes does it take to get to Utah? That's where our cousins are."

3/20/09 - "Mom, you know why I am the meatball monster? Because I eat all the meatballs in the whole 'tire world!"

3/9/09 - "Can you go one hundred fast? Now, I'm the tagger because you just tagged me."

3/7/09 - "Mom, pet rocks are really cool! You don't just buy them, you make them!"

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